Clear Aligners
In Napa, California

You’ve been dreaming of a straighter smile but the thought of bulky, uncomfortable braces has been holding you back. In come clear aligners – an innovative treatment that discreetly straightens your smile and gives you the confidence boost you deserve.

Why Choose Clear Aligners?

At Yarris Family Dental, we believe in providing cutting-edge orthodontic solutions that fit your lifestyle. Clear aligners offer a virtually invisible way to straighten your teeth without the hassle of traditional braces. 

Our custom treatment plans are designed using advanced digital imaging, ensuring a comfortable fit and effective results. Whether you're looking to correct overcrowding, gaps, or misalignment, clear aligners provide a comfortable, flexible, and discreet solution. 

With our expertise in cosmetic dentistry and commitment to the latest technology, we ensure your journey to your dream smile is smooth and satisfying.

Clear Aligners

The Benefits of Clear Aligners

Nearly Invisible


Comfortable & Customized

A Smile That Reflects the Real You

What We Offer


  • World-renowned clear aligner brand with proven results
  • Innovative SmartTrack® material for better control of tooth movements
  • Comprehensive treatment options for a wide range of cases
  • Includes 5-year warranty
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  • Precision-engineered for efficient tooth movement
  • Customized treatment plan for optimal results
  • State-of-the-art imaging for accurate aligner fit
  • Includes 3-year warranty
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See the Results, Before You Start

Get the smile you want with a team that’s dedicated to your vision. We utilize state-of-the-art technology like Digital Smile Design, to tailor your smile to you. 

Digital Smile Design revolutionizes the clear aligner process by allowing us to create 3D-printed temporary aligners. This innovative approach offers you a tangible preview of your new smile before the final treatment begins. You'll have the opportunity to see the fit, take photos, and even share these with friends and family for feedback. 

What to Expect

The Clear Aligner Process


Initial Consultation and Assessment

Your journey begins with a detailed assessment of your dental structure using advanced imaging technology. We discuss your goals and determine if clear aligners are the best option for you.


Custom Treatment Planning

Utilizing Digital Smile Design, we create a customized treatment plan that outlines the step-by-step transformation of your smile.


Receiving Your Clear Aligners

Your aligners are custom-made to fit snugly over your teeth. We'll guide you on how to use them effectively for optimal results. Every few weeks, you’ll pick up your next set as your smile straightens gradually before your eyes.



After your teeth have reached their desired positions, we'll move into the retention phase to ensure your smile stays in place. This involves using a retainer that's custom-made for you. We'll provide detailed guidance on how and when to wear your retainer, ensuring that your beautiful new smile lasts a lifetime.

Before & Afters

The Results Speak for Themselves

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Frequently asked questions


Are clear aligners suitable for everyone?
Can I eat and drink with my clear aligners in?
How long does treatment with clear aligners take?

Still have a question?

Before & Afters

The Results Speak for Themselves

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