In Napa, California

Find a solution to your pain and preserve your oral health.

Why do I need an extraction?

We understand that the thought of a tooth extraction can be daunting. But we only recommend extraction when it’s absolutely necessary to preserve your smile and get you out of pain. 

Our skilled team prioritizes a gentle, patient-centered approach, ensuring your comfort and safety throughout the process. 

We also use the latest techniques and technology to perform extractions with minimal discomfort. 

Whether you need a simple extraction or you're facing a more complex situation like wisdom teeth, we're equipped to provide the highest standard of care.


The Benefits of Extraction

Pain Relief

Prevents Further Damage

Prepares for Further Treatment

Bone Grafting

Following a tooth extraction, bone grafting can be a crucial step in preserving your jawbone's integrity and preparing for future dental implants. 

This procedure involves placing a graft material in the extraction site to stimulate bone growth, preventing the jawbone from deteriorating over time. 

At Yarris Family Dental, we recommend bone grafting to ensure the best foundation for implants, maintaining facial structure, and preventing issues related to bone loss. Our advanced techniques and materials promote quick healing and successful outcomes, making the process straightforward and effective.

Leading the Way in Oral Health Solutions

What We Offer

Wisdom Teeth Removal

  • Relieves discomfort and prevents future dental issues
  • Reduces the risk of overcrowding and misalignment
  • Performed with patient comfort and safety as top priorities
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Single Tooth Extractions

  • Restores the look and function of natural teeth
  • Prevents bone loss and maintains facial structure
  • Durable and long-lasting solution
  • Platelet rich fibrin (PRF) add-on for $200. PRF accelerates healing, reduces inflammation, and prevents dry socket.
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Our Unique Approach

Yarris Family Dental sets itself apart by integrating advanced dental technology into every extraction procedure. Our CT Machine and 3D Cameras allow for precise planning and minimal invasiveness, while our state-of-the-art 3D Printers can create custom surgical guides for complex cases. Anxious about your procedure? Sedation options are tailored to you, ensuring a comfortable and anxiety-free experience. 

  • CT Machine
  • 3D Cameras
  • 3D Printers
  • Sedation

What to Expect

The Extraction Process


Comprehensive Evaluation

Every extraction begins with a thorough evaluation, including detailed imaging to assess the tooth's condition and surrounding structures. This step ensures we choose the most appropriate extraction method for your specific case.


Personalized Treatment Planning

You will discuss all available options with Dr. Travis and he’ll recommend a personalized treatment plan. This may include sedation methods to ensure your comfort during the procedure.


The Extraction Procedure

Our skilled team performs the extraction with precision and care, using advanced techniques to minimize discomfort and promote quick healing.


Post-Extraction Care and Recovery

We provide detailed aftercare instructions and support to ensure a smooth recovery. If bone grafting or further treatments are planned, we'll guide you through the next steps.

Before & Afters

The Results Speak for Themselves

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Frequently asked questions


Can I get an implant after an extraction?
What is the recovery time for a tooth extraction?
How do I know if I need a tooth extraction?

Still have a question?

Before & Afters

The Results Speak for Themselves

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Experience Exceptional Care